If you are interested in helping Adirondack Youth Orchestra Association with a monetary donation we have two ways to give. AYOA is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization and is registered with the NYS Charities Bureau (NYS Reg. No. 15-40-03).
Donations of any amount are welcome and all donations are tax deductible.
1) To help with our regular operating expenses you can forward your check payable to the AYOA at PO Box 1590, Plattsburgh, NY 12901.
2) Legacy donations of cash, stocks, real estate, life insurance or life income gifts (through a Charitable Remainder Trust or Charitable Lead Trust) can be made to the Adirondack Community Trust for the benefit of the Adirondack Youth Orchestra Association Fund.
Checks can be sent directly to ACT noting that you wish the proceeds to go towards the Adirondack Youth Orchestra Association Fund,
2284 Saranac Ave, Lake Placid, NY 12946.
For other types of legacy donations you can contact
ACT directly at 523-9904 to make arrangements.